Friday, May 28, 2010
Day 46: collage time!
so, i don't really have a new picture for today, but i'm trying to make my blog a little cuter. i decided to create a new picture for the top of my you can see. its just a random collection of pictures from the past year or two. enjoy :)
Friday, May 21, 2010
so i know i've already posted but...
Day 45: a little taste of heaven.
shopping? yeah, i love it. especially when it involves shoes, jewelry, and purses. it becomes heaven when you throw the three of those things in with a REALLY good sale. which is precisely what i found today...
i seriously walked around the store with one of these on each foot. in the end i didn't get either. sad day.
i went to buy the pair in the middle for work, and walked away with 3 pair. whoops. but you can't beat a good sale. my best deal of the day? the $42 CLARKS (yeah, i bought clarks) on the right side that i bought for, wait for it....$20. :)
after shopping, i went to granny and pop's house for a little visit. i love them, and i love being at their house.
we started talking about chocolate and i mentioned how i loved a regular snickers bar after it's been in the freezer. apparently granny does too. she told me to check the freezer, and there were some sitting in there already frozen. who knew this love was genetic? :)
this is heaven. well, the other side of the store is heaven. i'm in the old lady section (which you can see by the heel-less shoes with super thick straps that take over your whole foot. yuck) , trying to creepily take a picture of the whole store.
Day 44: surprise!
so i left you on edge wondering what my big plans for today were huh? welllllll...bailey was heading to nashville this weekend, and i'm working my first wedding at burge this weekend (yay!) so neither of our schedules left much time to see each other. i decided to surprise him. he's surprised me a couple of times and i loved it, so i thought i'd try my hand at being sweet. (i don't do this too often) i had big plans in store that had been in the works for weeks, and i was so excited...til they didn't work out. i ended up telling him my plans on the way to his house, otherwise everything would have been a total bust. luckily, we were able to salvage it and eat a delicious meal in downtown lawrenceville.

but i have to share a funny picture with you. kind of embarrassing, but funny. apparently i have warts (yuck yuck yuck). and apparently if you only have one to begin with, and cut it with your razor, they spread all the way up your leg. who knew? anyway. i got them taken care of today. and this is what my leg looks like- a 5 year old boy.

after dinner. stuffed and so completely happy.
but i have to share a funny picture with you. kind of embarrassing, but funny. apparently i have warts (yuck yuck yuck). and apparently if you only have one to begin with, and cut it with your razor, they spread all the way up your leg. who knew? anyway. i got them taken care of today. and this is what my leg looks like- a 5 year old boy.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Day 43: i love my life.
i've got great friends. thats just it. tonight kim, kenneth, brittany, josh and i went to wing night at pickle barrel. delish :)
after we ate we came back to kim's apartment, trying to find a movie on netflix everyone could agree on. we ended up settling on The Best of Will Ferrell SNL.

i've got big plans up my sleeve for tomorrow. stay tuned. :)
cute couple
i've got big plans up my sleeve for tomorrow. stay tuned. :)
Day 42: spell check people, spell check.
treated myself to a chicfila milkshake today with my free calendar coupon :D as delicious as the peach milkshake was, i was slightly disturbed by the sign...

sorry, it was taken on my cell phone, so its not the best picture. i know we're in milledgeville, and i totally understand marketing to the demographics (its been drilled into my head for 4 years)..but really. come on, people.

sorry, it was taken on my cell phone, so its not the best picture. i know we're in milledgeville, and i totally understand marketing to the demographics (its been drilled into my head for 4 years)..but really. come on, people.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Day 41: farting.
no really mama, don't get mad with me. since i've been obsessed with photography lately, i've been looking at different blogs and websites. and this was one i came across.
I know this isn't really a picture, its just a screenshot of Ken Rockwell's blog title, but it made me smile. and it has to do with photography so...

His acronym stands for :
F: feel
A: ask
R: refine
T: take
I know this isn't really a picture, its just a screenshot of Ken Rockwell's blog title, but it made me smile. and it has to do with photography so...

His acronym stands for :
F: feel
A: ask
R: refine
T: take
Day 40: Sunday Funday
Day 39: even more birthdays
Day 38: Happy Birthday!
i was off work today, so i got to spend some time at home with mama. we made a trip to town, then put together more buckets. one of them was for one of my favorite people, ashley brooke.

we went to warner robins to have supper with her family..and let me tell you, there were A LOT of us. :)
ashley's gorgeous pearls from justin. you don't know how many times we took this picture to get it right.
we went to warner robins to have supper with her family..and let me tell you, there were A LOT of us. :)
demolished the bloomin' onion.
Day 37: my role model.
ok, she's really not my role model. i don't even know her. i stumbled upon her blog about a week ago, and literally can NOT stop reading it. it consumes my free time. i feel like i know Kelle Hampton. she writes beautifully (which is not my thing) and takes glorious (just for you rbg) pictures. seriously, she's got a wonderful talent, and i want my level of skill to match hers.

to do that...i need this. so if any of you are feeling generous, i'm up for accepting lavish gifts. :)
i want these to look like hers. well, not just like hers. just more on that level.
to do that...i need this. so if any of you are feeling generous, i'm up for accepting lavish gifts. :)
Day 36: clean, clean, clean
i know many of you think that since i can't keep up with this blog, it must be because i'm busy keeping my life super organized, right? yeah, something like that. i hate hate hate doing laundry. not so much doing it, but putting it away KILLS me. so it sits on bed. and i kick it off in the middle of the night. and step over it in the morning. repeat this process for ohhh...2 days or so. then my walls start closing in, and my floor gets higher and higher, and i just have to clean it. so no, mama and daddy, its not just at home. but its getting better.

from my bathroom: stuff all over the counter, and clothes that have been kicked off my bed.
no more dust!
no more dust!
Day 35: research
i've been busy trying to figure out this new fabulous flash :) when i got my camera from santa 2 years ago, i never really read the manual, i just went to shooting. i don't know the technicalities of it, or what all it can do. so that's my new mission figure out how to properly work this camera and flash. today i'm reading up on the flash.
i won't lie...alot of the things in the manual are hard to understand, so i've resorted to googling. don't judge

Day 34: here's my apology
i stink at this. i thought it was something i wouldn't have a problem keeping up with. but since the last time i updated was mother's day...
don't hate me. pretend like you're the loving, sweet, understanding people that i know you are, forgive me, and love me for the awful procrastinator/slacker that i am.
thank you
don't hate me. pretend like you're the loving, sweet, understanding people that i know you are, forgive me, and love me for the awful procrastinator/slacker that i am.
thank you
this is how excited i am because i know deep down in your hearts you love me and forgive me :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Day 33: you've given me everything that i will need... make it through this crazy thing called life.
Happy Mother's Day! Let me start by saying I have the most wonderful mama out there. She has set a Godly example for both Cale and I, and has not only taught me, but showed me how a Godly woman should live. She's made sacrifices, so we could have the things that we wanted, but didn't need. Her and my daddy have given us a greater life than most kids dream of. We don't thank either of you enough. A song was sang in church this morning, called "Midnight Oil", and I think it's pretty fitting...
so, what does he do? runs to HIS TRUCK, and pulls out his shotgun. blows the snake away. really, who carries a shotgun in their truck?
After the snake craziness and lunch, we headed to Granny and Pop's to spend the afternoon with the family.
Happy Mother's Day! Let me start by saying I have the most wonderful mama out there. She has set a Godly example for both Cale and I, and has not only taught me, but showed me how a Godly woman should live. She's made sacrifices, so we could have the things that we wanted, but didn't need. Her and my daddy have given us a greater life than most kids dream of. We don't thank either of you enough. A song was sang in church this morning, called "Midnight Oil", and I think it's pretty fitting...
Mama like to burn the midnight oil.
Down on her knees in prayer
If you asked why she did it
She said she did it cause she cared
Now Mama always talked to Jesus
When she knelt by her rocking chair
Oh, I'm glad my mama was willin'
Down on her knees in prayer
If you asked why she did it
She said she did it cause she cared
Now Mama always talked to Jesus
When she knelt by her rocking chair
Oh, I'm glad my mama was willin'
To burn the midnight oil in prayer
With that being said...I think we got a picture of everyone today. Except with MY mama. go figure....
After church, we ran home before lunch. As we pulled in the driveway, Cale saw a snake slithering (gross...even that word makes me cringe) across our yard...
Day 32: these are the days...
All my friends left me today. Ok, not really. They graduated. But most are still here for the summer. Then they all go off to look for jobs...and they may still be looking by the time I graduate. :) Here are a couple pictures from graduation. Forgive all the gross hair and sweaty was disgustingly hot.

After graduation, I went home where I ate with my family, pepa and mawmaw, and bailey. Most delicious meal i've had in a WHILE. There are some pretty funny pictures from lunch, that I'm not allowed to post. :) Later (after a wonderful nap) Bailey and I headed to Home Depot to get flowers for Granny's Mother's Day present.

lauren's little brother, jack.
After graduation, I went home where I ate with my family, pepa and mawmaw, and bailey. Most delicious meal i've had in a WHILE. There are some pretty funny pictures from lunch, that I'm not allowed to post. :) Later (after a wonderful nap) Bailey and I headed to Home Depot to get flowers for Granny's Mother's Day present.
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