I feel like this week has been a whirlwind! I drove to WR Wednesday, drove home yesterday, drove back this morning, driving home tomorrow, and coming back Sunday night. Whew. Poor little Leon. (For those of you who don't know, shame on you. but Leon is ol' faithful. aka: my car) One of the few perks of all this driving is windows down, music turned up, and seeing one of God's GREATEST gifts: sunrise/sunset. It's not very often I actually see the sunrise. :) This morning on my way back to Milledgeville it was gorgeous. Very few people are on the backroads that early, so I was able to slow wayyyyy down and take a couple pictures.
light, but no actual sun. i'm pretty sure being up this early is illegal in all 50 states.

welcome to shady dale.

I've been waiting to put up this picture, because it's a surprise. Lauren's stepmom is putting together a scrapbook for her graduation, and managed to get all of our friends in Milly to make a picture. This was my contribution:
brittoni all those pics make me REALLY happy!! how i love scenic drives!!!!